C++ Builder Tutorials

C++Builder - X to the power y, and other math functions

To get the power of a number in C++, use the function pow(base, exponent).

You can use the function like this:

double p;
p = pow(3, 2); // 9
p = pow(2, 3); // 8
p = pow(4, 0.5); // 4 to the power 0.5 gives 2

Some math functions:

Function Meaning Example
abs(x) absolute value abs(-10) returns 10
atan(x) arctangent atan(0.4) returns 21.8
cos(x) cosine cos(45) returns 0.5253...
DegToRad(x) degrees to radians DegToRad(45) returns 0.78539...
10Log10(x) logarithm, base 10 Log10(100) returns 2
Log2(x) logarithm, base 2 Log2(8) returns 3
LogN(base, x) logarithm, any base LogN(2, 8) returns 3
pow(base, exponent) power pow(3,2) returns 9
RadToDeg(x) radians to degrees RadToDeg(0.78540) returns 45.0001...
sin(x) sine sin(45) returns 0.707106...
sqrt(x) square root sqrt(16) returns 4
tan(x) tangent tan(45) returns 1