SQLite: Tutorial Project


  1. If you haven't done so already, create a new folder \DelphiLand.
  2. If you haven't done so already, create directory SQLiteGeo "under" \DelphiLand.
  3. Next, download sqlitegeo.zip and unzip it to this directory.

A closer look

  1. Start Delphi and open sqlitegeo.dpr.
  2. In the the menu, select Project / Options...
  3. In the dialog that appears, select Delphi Compiler / Output directory
    Clear this option and click OK
    That way, you avoid the need to enter a hardwired full path when setting FDConnection.Params.Database (see later).
  4. Open Delphi's File menu and click Save All.
  5. The structure of the table Countries of database Geo.sqlite is as follows:

    Field name Type
    name varchar(50)
    code varchar(10)
    population numeric
    currency varchar(25)
    curcode varchar(10)
  6. In Design Mode, let's have a look at the components:

    • FDConnection1 is a FireDac connection: it defines the connection parameters, establishes a connection to a DBMS (DataBase Management System) and manages the associated datasets.
    • qCountries is a TDFQuery (FireDAC Query). Its property Connection is set to FDConnection1 and its property SQL is set to
                      select * from countries
      ...meaning: select all fields from table countries
    • dsCountries is a TDataSource, the interface between a dataset component and data-aware controls. Its property DataSet is set to qCountries.
    • gridCountries is a TDBGrid (DataBase Grid) that is used to visualize the contents of the table Countries. Its property DataSource is set to dsCountries.
    • DBNavigator1 is used to move through the data in the dataset and perform operations on the data, such as inserting a record or posting a record. Its property DataSource is set to dsCountries.
    • FDGUIxWaitCursor1 is a component that is needed for every FireDac application.
  7. Since most work has been done in Design Mode, the source code for this project is really minimal:
    procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

Table of contents

1. Intro to SQLite
2. Tutorial project
3. SQL statements
4. The WHERE clause
5. Browser for SQLite

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