Re: Write/copy ini section to registry

Posted by John, DelphiLand Team on August 09, 2008

In Reply to Re: Write/copy ini section to registry posted by Bobp12404 on August 09, 2008

: : I can save some configuration settings for my app to an ini file for loading when the app starts up. I would like to be able to save those same settings to the registry, optionally loaded from the ini files. Can someone explain to me how to load the ini/text file to the registry using name/value pairs? The ini structure is something like the following:

: : [XSettings]
: : color=blue
: : color=red
: : color=green

: : [YSettings]
: : range=high
: : range=mid
: : range=low

: : [Zsettings]
: : when=before
: : when=now
: : when=after

: : Sorry, forgot to add where in the registry. I 'think' the following keys would be appropriate:
: : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp\XSettings
: : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp\YSettings
: : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp\ZSettings

In an Ini-file, no entries can have the same value for "Section" as well as for "Ident" (Key). So I assume that in your description of the ini structure:

color=green mean that [XSettings]color can have one of the following 3 string values: 'blue', 'red' or 'green'?
And the same for the other 2 Sections/Ident parts: [YSettings]range and [Zsettings]when ?
...or do you mean something else?

Best regards,
John, DelphiLand Team

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