Re: Finding text in Delphi memo

[ Delphi Tutorial ]

Posted by WAllison on August 29, 2003 at 17:34:15:

In Reply to: Finding... posted by Joey on August 23, 2003 at 21:52:22:

: I have a Delphi memo box and i want it so that say through out the paragraph it finds a text, say "hello" .How do i make it so it highlights that word and how do i make it so it finds thats word?

This way is much more useful coz u can specify where to start searching from /up/down etc

var i: integer;
    SearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions;
    Buffer, P: PChar;
    Size: Word;
  SearchOptions := SearchOptions + [soDown];
  SearchOptions := SearchOptions - [soMatchCase];
  SearchOptions := SearchOptions - [soWholeWord];
  Size := Memo1.GetTextLen;
  Buffer := StrAlloc(Size + 1);
   Memo1.GetTextBuf(Buffer, Size+1);
   P := SearchBuf(Buffer,Size,0,0,SearchEdit.Text,SearchOptions);
   If P  nil then
     ListBox1.Items.Add('SearchBuf(Pointer) found match.');
     Memo1.SelStart := P - Buffer;
     Memo1.SelLength := Length(SearchEdit.Text);

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