Multiple Monitors

Posted by Vanessa Reynders on June 17, 2001

Anybody has any idea how to identify multiple display adapters?

 Re: webmaster Guido on June 26, 2001

Multi-monitor support started with Delphi 4. The "Desktop" extends over all monitors, from left to right. You position forms like this:

Form1.Left := Screen.Monitors[0].Left+10;

Form1.Left := Screen.Monitors[1].Left+10;

Where does "Screen" come from? It's a global variable that is created automatically when your application starts. "Screen" provides information about the monitors, such as screen resolution, available fonts, and so on. Important properties of Screen:

- Screen.MonitorCount: number of monitors;
- Screen.Monitors: zero-based array of TMonitor objects. The following code example shows how to access the Left and Width properties of each monitor:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  i, NrOfMon: integer;
  Mon: TMonitor;
  NrOfMon := Screen.MonitorCount;
  with Memo1.Lines do begin
    Add('Number of monitors: ' + IntToStr(NrOfMon));
    for i := 0 to NrOfMon - 1 do begin
      Mon := Screen.Monitors[i];
      Add('Monitor ' + IntToStr(i) + ' : ' +
        '  left = ' + IntToStr(Mon.Left));
      Add('Monitor ' + IntToStr(i) + ' : ' +
        '  width = ' + IntToStr(Mon.Width));

Each form also has a property Monitor (also of type TMonitor, just like the elements of Screen.Monitors), of which you can access the properties. For example:

 W := Form1.Monitor.Width;  

Additional notes:

Win95 does not support multiple monitors, and neither does NT 4.0: in these cases, you need a special driver for the videocard(s). Also, each monitor must run the same resolution, color depth, and refresh rate. But still, some windows may have their left half appearing on one monitor and the right half appearing on the other.

Microsoft started multiple monitor support only with Win98 and Win2000. Now, the GetSystemMetrics API function returns the dimensions of the "primary monitor" instead of the dimensions of the whole virtual desktop covering all the monitors. For example, with two monitors each at 1280×1024, now you get 1280×1024 instead of 2560×1024.
Windows also maximize within the monitor they're on, not over all monitors. You can even run each monitor at its own resolution, color depth, and refresh rate.